School Opening Hours
At Oakfield, the school day starts at 8.50am for children in Reception to Year 6 and at 9am for children attending Nursery.
The school doors open at 8.40am, allowing plenty of time for children to get into class ready for the start of the school day.
The pedestrian gates close at 8.55am and any child arriving after this time should report to the school office where they must by signed in via the electronic entry system.
Break times
Children in Key Stage One have a 15 minute break from 10.15am to 10.30am.
Children in Key Stage Two have a 15 minute break from 10.30am to 10.45am.
Lunchtime for all pupils is from 12 noon until 1pm.
End of the School Day
For children in Nursery who attend for 15 hours, the school day finishes at 12 noon. For those children attending for 30 hours, the school day finishes at 3pm.
The school day finishes at 3.20pm for pupils in Reception, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
Total hours per week: 32.5