School Council
In September, our children vote in the new members of the School Council. Every child has the opportunity to stand for election and there are two representatives on the council for each class.
Parental Involvement
Parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of their child’s education. Our ‘open door’ policy ensures that, if parents/carers wish to speak to someone about any aspect of their child’s education, they can do so without delay. Parents/carers are also invited to be involved in :
- Parents’ Evenings
- Class Assemblies
- Special assemblies
- Whole school events
- Trips and visits
- Fundraising events
- Parent workshops
- Coffee Mornings
- Volunteering in school
We seek parents/carers views in a number of ways, including:
- Consultation at Parents’ Evenings
- Parents’ questionnaires
- Home/school planner
- Review and planning meetings
- CAF meetings
Parent Governors
Parent Governors play a key role in the life of our school. When a vacancy arises, parent/carers are informed via a letter from the headteacher. All parents/carers are welcome to put themselves forward for election onto the Governing Body.