We want all of the children at Oakfield to make the most of their time here and enjoy the opportunities that every day brings. To do this, we try to ensure that our children are happy and settled at school and that they come to school every day. Every day is important and every day counts! 

Our Pastoral Manager, Mrs Herbert, works in partnership with staff and parents to make sure that all of our Oakfield children attend school regularly and make the most of what our school has to offer. Mrs Herbert is available to provide support to pupils and parents when any issues or concerns are identified.

Our Pastoral Team can also provide a link between school, families and outside agencies such as:

  • school nurse
  • Education Welfare Officer
  • social care
  • housing services
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • counselling services

Mrs Herbert is easily accessible in school and she is here to help with any worries or concerns that you may have that could be affecting your child's education. Please feel welcome to drop into school or make contact via the school office on 0161 368 3365.